Broadwater Farm Estate

In 2019, what if: projects collaborated with Karacusevic Carson Architects as part of the design team commissioned by LB Haringey to create the Urban Design Framework (UDF) for guiding substantial and long-term improvements to the Broadwater Farm Estate in Haringey, North London.


what if: projects contributed to the urban strategy by focusing on activating the ground floor of the housing blocks, originally built in the late 1960s. We developed proposals to remodel the entrance areas, introducing secure storage for bins, prams, and bikes, as well as communal and commercial spaces. We also designed new routes to connect the estate’s courtyards. Drawing from the existing color scheme of the various buildings, we accentuated the plinth level to assist with wayfinding.

In collaboration with local residents, we proposed a temporary garden—a space where people can gather for consultations and grow food during the construction period, which will last several years.

Parking becomes meanwhile garden (proposal,2021)
BWF, 2021
Growing network surrounding BWF, 2022
  • dates:
    2020 – 2022
  • commissioned by:
    London Borough of Haringey and KCA
  • role:
    Urban strategies
  • location:
    Broadwater Farm Estate, London
  • lead architect and masterplanning:

    Karakusevic Carson Architects

  • landscape:

    East Architecture Landscape Design

  • award:

    New London Award 2023 – Masterplans and Area Strategies